More tax props on tap for December

More tax props on tap for December
Aug 13, 2024

While Louisiana voters won’t be considering a major fiscal overhaul this fall, there could still be measures on your ballot that will affect your pocketbook. 

In November, voters will consider more than 50 taxes and fees. Most are renewals of existing revenue streams, though in the current anti-tax political environment, that doesn’t mean they’re going to pass.

The December 7 ballot will be shorter, though the Secretary of State’s office already has several tax proposals and a home rule charter amendment on tap.

The State Bond Commission on Thursday will take up 10 more for December that local officials in Calcasieu, DeSoto, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, St. Mary, Union, Webster and West Carroll parishes have put forward.

Most are not parishwide in scope and would support various fire protection, drainage, water and hospital service districts.

For example, St. Mary is asking for additional money for public schools, the Webster Parish Council on Aging is seeking funding for facilities and programs and West Carroll wants to pay for solid waste disposal.

Last week, LaPolitics took a look at the local propositions on the November ballot and the political landscape local props will face. Subscribers can read that here.

Also this week:

— The Amite River Basin Drainage & Water Conservation District and the Commission on the Equitable Distribution of Certain Ad Valorem Taxes both are set to meet today at 10 a.m., with the latter hosting a presentation by the newly reconstituted Louisiana Tax Commission.

— The Emergency Beetle Subcommittee of the House Committee on Agriculture is scheduled to meet Wednesday at 1 p.m.

— The Gaming Control Board meets Thursday at 10 a.m., while the Amite River Basin/Comite River Diversion Canal Task Force convenes later that day at noon. 

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