Q&A: Julie McGuire on running to be Mike Braun’s Statehouse partner

State Rep. Julie McGuire speaks during a Republican campaign event in Carmel on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (Credit: Tom Davies)

State Rep. Julie McGuire speaks during a Republican campaign event in Carmel on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (Credit: Tom Davies)

Key Points
  • McGuire says she has experience as legislator and Statehouse staffer to be an effective partner for Mike Braun
  • She dismisses as unnecessary the argument from Micah Beckwith that the lieutenant governor should be “conservative insurance policy”

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Braun announced his pick of state Rep. Julie McGuire as his lieutenant governor running mate the day after he won the May 7 primary.

McGuire, a first-term legislator from the southside of Indianapolis, is being challenged by Noblesville pastor Micah Beckwith. State Affairs spoke with McGuire about the nomination campaign, which will be decided by a vote of delegates at Saturday’s state Republican convention.

This conversation has been edited for clarity, brevity and length.

Q. What is the case you’re making to delegates and how do you feel that’s been received?

A. I’m excited about being [Braun’s] partner on this journey into the new administration. I’ve met with hundreds and hundreds of delegates. I’ve had hundreds of conversations. I’ve been calling across the state of Indiana to everybody. When I get to have those conversations, when I get to speak with groups, I feel 90% are coming my way, especially after those conversations. A lot of people don’t know who I am, but I feel like I have a lot to bring to Mike and to the team.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Braun speaks alongside state Rep. Julie McGuire during a campaign event in Carmel on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (Credit: Tom Davies)
Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Braun speaks alongside state Rep. Julie McGuire during a campaign event in Carmel on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. (Credit: Tom Davies)

Q. What would you bring to a Braun administration?

A. I have a solid conservative voting record that I’m really proud of as a state legislator. I’ve spent most of my life in the nonprofit sector, working at my church and school and just serving my community, wearing every hat imaginable. I think I have great leadership skills, listening skills, and I know how to collaborate and bring great people together to solve problems. I was elected in 2022 to the General Assembly on parental rights and and supporting the rights of the unborn, pro-life, 100%. I support educational choice for students, their families. Strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and our public safety officers are my friends and I’m happy and proud to support them. I have worked in the State Senate as a policy analyst for a couple years, and I really deeply learned the process. I learned the issues. I know what it takes to get things done in Indiana, and I’ve been able to do that as a legislator, as well. I know that teamwork is the most important thing that I can bring to Mike and the administration. I know how to get things done in Indiana, and that’s my case. I think it’s a strong one and it’s been received positively.

Q. Micah Beckwith has been making the argument that he would serve as what he’s called a “conservative insurance policy” for the state if he was to become lieutenant governor. What do you think of that argument?

A. I think knowing [Braun] well enough and knowing his agenda, I don’t think it’s necessary to have a conservative check on the governor. I think he needs a partner. I think I can bring that. We’ve got this agenda, and it’s a good one. I’m going to work hard with him to get it accomplished.

Q. How do you feel at this point, going into the convention, of being able to secure the lieutenant governor nomination?

A. Conversations [with delegates] have been great. I don’t want to make any predictions, but I feel really good about the way things are headed this weekend.

Q. What else should delegates be considering as they weigh this vote on Saturday?

A. The governor needs a partner who he can work well with, who is aligned with him on his agenda, who knows how to move legislation and who knows how to get things accomplished in state government. He needs a partner he can trust, and so reached out to me and I’m certainly honored and excited to be in this position.

Read the State Affairs Q&A with McGuire’s challenger for lieutenant governor, Micah Beckwith, here.

Keep Reading: Republicans square off over lieutenant governor nomination

Tom Davies is a Statehouse reporter for State Affairs Pro Indiana. Reach him at [email protected] or on X at @TomDaviesIND.

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