What you may have missed in LaPolitics Weekly

What you may have missed in LaPolitics Weekly
Sep 17, 2024

Here’s what you may have missed in the latest issue of LaPolitics Weekly, published last week…

— FAREWELL FRANCINE: The Legislature’s new Homeland Security chairs are the eyes and ears of their colleagues when storms approach…

— SPOTLIGHT ON CIVIL SERVICE: While civil service protection is meant to reward merit and shield rank-and-file public employees from politics as much as possible, critics say the rules can be too rigid, making it harder to attract and retain high performers while shielding workers who aren’t pulling their weight…

—LaPOLITICS Q&A: “Once officials understand our role, cooperation usually follows. In the rare event of ongoing resistance, we have the necessary legal tools to fulfill our responsibilities, but our preference is always to work collaboratively,” Louisiana Legislative Auditor Mike Waguespack said…

— FIELD NOTES: A bipartisan collection of 119 members of the U.S. House of Representatives signed the discharge petition to force a vote on Congressman Garret Graves’ Social Security Fairness Act within 24 hours of the petition being filed, putting it more than halfway to the necessary 218 signatures…

— SHOP TALK: Want to make the most of federal infrastructure funding? There’s a hub for that…

— OUR HISTORY: Pope John Paul II celebrated a massive mass in New Orleans 37 years ago…

— THEY SAID IT: “Stay home and stay put…Just because it is a Category 1, or possibly a Category 2, doesn’t mean it’s just going to be a thunder bumper.” —Gov. Jeff Landry at his last press conference before Hurricane Francine made landfall

Wish you would have read these stories last week? Subscribe today to www.LaPoliticsWeekly.com.

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