In Case You Missed it in LaPolitics Weekly

In Case You Missed it in LaPolitics Weekly
Sep 24, 2024

Here’s what you may have missed in the latest issue of LaPolitics Weekly, published last week…

—HIRING AND FIRING: Legislation to weaken Civil Service protections and shake up the Civil Service Commission is likely to be filed again next year…

—MORE SPECIAL SESSIONS?: Along with a potential tax-focused special session, lawmakers may find themselves convening to focus on insurance issues…

—LaPOLITICS Q&A: “When [a hurricane] stays in the cone and it’s 3,000 miles out at sea, nobody cares. But when it stays in the cone and shifts 50 miles in Louisiana, that creates a big footprint for somebody and no footprint for somebody else,” State Climatologist Jay Grymes said…

—FIELD NOTES: Though Baton Rouge is not in his district, Congressman Clay Higgins has announced his endorsement of Sid Edwards, a Republican running for East Baton Rouge Parish mayor-president with the backing of the local GOP…

—SHOP TALK: Local governments are doing IT for themselves, with help…

—OUR HISTORY: The first commercial oil well in Louisiana history was drilled in Evangeline (near Jennings) in September of 1901…

—THEY SAID IT: “Keep your November open. ‘Course, I told you to keep August open, too.” —Revenue Secretary Richard Nelson, to lawmakers about a possible tax-focused special session

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