Announcing State Affairs

Credit: State Affairs

Aug 02, 2021
Key Points

To our readers,

State Affairs is a new kind of local news organization.

Our goal is to inform citizens about the actions of their state government so that they can build better lives and improve their communities. We’re at a critical moment in history where the U.S. suffers from a lack of local journalism, and yet the work of state governments often affects our lives more than the heated rhetoric of Washington, D.C., politics.

At State Affairs, we’re laser-focused on original, in-depth reporting on state and local governments. Our goal is to root out hypocrisy and corruption in the states we cover while showing what’s actually working. We are not going to rush to do the most stories or leap to write about everything “trending” online. We believe in plain-spoken, well-reported journalism that tells powerful stories without partisan bias. Our objective is to illuminate what is hidden in plain sight. 

What you are getting: two to three longer investigative stories each month, shorter explanatory pieces on government functions and current issues, profiles of influential figures in and out of government as well as fact-checked opinion pieces from local thought-leaders.

We invite your questions on how things work, ideas on what we should investigate and suggestions on ways to do things better, by emailing [email protected].

– The State Affairs team

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